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Quality of life at work, risk prevention, health and safety… the OPT-NC is committed to the well-being of its staff members which contributes to satisfy customers more successfully.

Philippe Gervolino, you have been Director General of the OPT-NC since 2015, previously, you served as Deputy-Director General for Digital Technologies and Planning. You participated in the

The OPT-NC’s next Strategic Plan is taking shape. The OPT-NC is undertaking a large scale reflexion on the company’s possible future big orientations, which considers major challenges facing both New

The OPT-NC’s  Job Directory describes the OPT-NC’s 112 jobs in details. Relying on the notion of jobs allows a classification by activities and expected skills, some of which are shared by several

Thanks to its multiple activities, the OPT-NC offers young New Caledonians looking for a job of the future. genuine opportunities to discover the professional world. Several pathways enable to explore

Passing the entry examination is only a first step. Great careers are built at the OPT-NC for anyone who wants to commit with the support of a company which supports the development of professional

The OPT-NC’s Department for Information Systems (DSI) is without a doubt the one suffering the most from a lack of local skills. As it is the case for every highly technical company, the OPT-NC is

The OPT-NC works in telecommunications, postal and banking services. Behind its employees who work daily to fulfil public service missions, there are as many various jobs to be discovered.

Built over time for the last 60 years, the OPT-NC’s fame  was acquired through its role of New Caledonia’s planner and developer  serving the population, companies and collectivities.

As a New Caledonian public company, the OPT-NC mainly employs public servants but it can also hire non-public servants who will then have to sit the public servant examination to continue their career