The OPT-NC, An Industrial and Commercial Public Company (EPIC) has a deliberative assembly, a Board of Directors (CA), a Public Tender Commission (CAO), emanating from the CA completes it and constitute the managing bodies of the public company.
The organization, the operation and the prerogatives of the OPT-NC’s Board of Directors are set by its status , emanating from modified deliberation n°51/CP of 23/10/00 regarding the organization and the operation of the OPT-NC.
The Board of Directors, composed of 12 members implements the OPT-NC’s general policy defined by the Government and the Congress of New Caledonia. It has:
- financial responsibilities: proposing the OPT-NC’s prices and fees to the Government of New Caledonia, deliberate on the provisional state of spending and revenues, decisions modifying annual accounts;
- administrative responsibilities: deliberation on the acquisition and cession of securities and real estate
- Human resources responsibilities: defining the company’s social policy.
From an accounting standpoint, the OPT-NC is subjected to accounting directive M9-5 and decree 2002-716 dated 2 May 2002 regarding the OPT-NC’s financial and accounting organization.
The current term of office ended on May 16, 2019 at midnight. The May 12th provincial election changed the political landscape and new directors will be appointed once the government is in place. The 16th government of New Caledonia elected its eleven members on June 23, 2019, but is still its president.