The OPT-NC offers products and services whose brands have found a place in the heart of New Caledonians.
Mobilis by OPT-NC
Launched in 1996, the brand of mobile phone services has been tremendously successful over the last 20 years As of July 2018, around 273 400 New Caledonian were using Mobilis daily.
Thanks to new uses and services appearing daily, Mobilis is creating a useful and unique experience which connects its clients to what is essential in their lives. is the official website of the phonebooks compiled by the OPT-NC. 1012 is also the number for and therefore the name given by New Caledonian to the phone directory service.
CCP.NC is the brand including the OPT-NC’s financial services which enable users to access and manage their accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thanks to a single click.
Mobitag is a free service, exclusively for individuals, which enables users to send SMSs from a computer to any New Caledonian mobile phone. It is also the name New Caledonians use to refer to SMSs.
Calédoscope by OPT-NC
Calédoscope is the philatelic brand of the OPT-NC whose products are available in the shops of the same name.