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The OPT-NC’s status defines its responsibilities in relation to the challenges facing New Caledonia, and therefore its missions. With a legitimacy resting on its expertise, The OPT-NC acts as a planner, a builder and a developer through its investments across the country.

To better meet the expectations of its clients and offer better working conditions to its agents, the OPT-NC is constantly committed to improving its existing infrastructures while building new ones.

The OPT-NC is committed to its Strategic Plan 2013-2017 to improve the proximity of its services, notably by strengthening its presence across the country by making sure that clients have access to essential services and guaranteeing neutrality and equality for all.

Therefore, the OPT-NC continues to fulfil its public service mission across the country regardless of municipality size.  The aim is to meet every expectation from collectivities and taxpayers alike.  

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In New Caledonia, the decision-making authority regarding postal and telecommunication services belongs to the Government of New Caledonia. The OPT-NC, a  New Caledonian Commercial and Industrial Public Institution (EPIC) since 2003 ( the year in which it was transferred from France to New Caledonia)  is a dedicated tool to fulfil public service missions in these areas and act in the general interest

Therefore, the OPT-NC benefits from a legal monopole, exempt from competition, and defined in the postal and telecommunication code and acts within a framework restricting its missions:

  • Service providing missions in banking, postal and telecommunication services
  • Public service obligations : equal opportunity, neutrality, continuity and adaptation of services
  • A legal and regulatory framework governing  the nature of its services
  •  Most of its agents are tenured public servants
  • Activities subjected to public tender rules for all purchases
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The OPT-NC contributes to the New Caledonian economy directly or through its involvement in different sectors such as tourism, health or education. These actions also aim to facilitate the accessibility and attractivity of territorial areas locally and regionally.

By facilitating access to means of communication for as many people as possible, the OPT-NC fulfils a public service mission. It works towards bridging the digital divide to fight against the isolation affecting parts of the population.  

The OPT-NC has also been entrusted by France with missions regarding the provision of financial services. (CCP postal account management, saving accounts ect….) .  Therefore, it undertakes actions aimed at fighting banking exclusion on a daily basis, notably through the roll out of ATMs across New Caledonia.

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 As New Caledonia’s developer and planner, the OPT-NC  implements and funds its desire to develop the territory to benefit individuals and collectivities while managing economic and human conditions to guarantee success.


Developing Digital Technologies

 The OPT-NC articulates its digital strategy around three programs: high-speed wired internet, high-speed wireless internet and securing networks.


Providing Essential Services

 The OPT-NC set as its mission to improve the delivery of services and to expand access to them across the territory.


Strengthening the proximity of services

The OPT-NC’s infrastructures are constantly adapting to support local economic development depending on the evolution sin customer fluxes.


Réseau de distribution

L’OPT-NC garantit l’accessibilité des services et produits essentiels dans les domaines postal, financier et télécoms dans son réseau d’agences, de centres de relations client, mais aussi de ses boutiques partenaires et revendeurs.