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The OPT-NC’S Board of Directors of 28/07/2021

The last Board meeting of the current term took place on 28 July at the Directorate General. It was chaired by Mr. Yoann Lecourieux and approved 13 deliberations and examined 5 informative notes.

Several issues were discussed and approuved by the Board, including:

  • the OPT-NC's participation in the CURTA project;
  • the conclusion of a partnership for the provision of a leased lined to the University of New Caledonia;
  • the donation of computer equipment to various associations;
  • The publication of the OPT-NC's activity report for the year 2020.

OPT-NC's participation in the CURTA project

The OPT-NC is participating in the CURTA project led by the New Caledonian government's Department for Civil Security and Risk Management.

What is the CURTA project?

CURTA for Centre Unique de Régulation et de Traitement des Appels or Centralized Centre for Call Management and Processing (15/18)

The project aims to deploy a modern telecommunications network and to centralize calls to the various emergency and rescue services in order to significantly improve the distribution of assistance throughout the territory.

Conclusion of a Partnership for the Provision of a Leased line to the University of New Caledonia

In September 2011, the Strategic Plan for the Digital Economy (PSEN) set the ambitious goal of making the territory a benchmark for digital uses in the Pacific.

In this context, the OPT-NC and the UNC have a longstanding partnership in place regarding the development of the digital hub and the widening of access to education, in particular through the creation of a digital and technological hub (PNT), to which the OPT-NC has been an important contributor.

As a part of the project aimed at setting up a shared computer, with the agreement of the Board of Directors, the OPT-NC has proposed to assume the costs of the current LCE connection between the IRD and the UNC and to increase its download speed from 100 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s. The contribution will be made through a new sponsorship agreement with the foundation, in the form of a material contribution, with a commitment to to assume the costs of the connexion on our part over the next two years.

Donation of computer equipment to various associations

As part of our policy of corporate social responsibility (CSO), we have for several years now been systematically redistributing to associations that request it, computer equipment that is no longer in use but still operational. The Board of Directors has thus authorised donations of computer equipment and components to the Caledonian Association of the Handicapped (ACH) and to the the Mont Dore High School Parents' Association (APE).

Publication of the OPT-NC's activity report for the year 2020

The Office has just published its 2020 Activity Report (AR). More concise and modern, it recapitulates the milestones of the and the key indicators of the past year. This activity report is designed to offer an optimised reading experience on computer, tablet or mobile.

Thus, the interactive PDF format is accompanied by a digital version.

Discover without further delay a year of actions, assessment and transition.


See the activity report