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Board Meeting Convened on 04/11/2020

A Board Meeting of the OPT-NC, chaired by Yoann Lecourieux, was convened on Wednesday 4 November 2020. Among the approved deliberations and the notes tabled, the donation of computing equipment to various association and organizations and the changes in the pricing of telecommunication and postal services were particularly noteworthy.

For the last several years, the OPT-NC has been undertaking various actions as part of the company’s Social Responsibility Process (RSO) through which it contributes to sustainable development.  Facilitating the development of the circular economy fully participates in this process.  


Therefore, the collection, sorting and redistribution of reconditioned computing equipment to interested associations are an important part of the RSO policy implemented by the OPT-NC.


The OPT-NC now wants to take the process a step further by injecting usable components from obsolete equipment into a virtuous circular economic cycle.


Therefore 5 associations which requested it will receive computing equipment and unused components currently  stored at the OPT-NC, as part of a donation.

The role played by the OPT-NC as one of New Caledonia’s developers revolves around two main axes from a marketing standpoint:


  • Adapting the OPT-NC’s pricing policy to accommodate as many people as possible and fulfil its commitments;
  • Ensure the accessibility of services at the same price to everyone regardless of their location (geographic equalization).

 The measures approved by the Board  lead to some changes regarding telecommunication  services


  • Changes in the prices paid to send multiple text messages ;
  • Changes in the offering aimed at securing the backbone network (BN) ;
  • Creation of the Celeris Ethernet 10Gb/s (LCE) connection offering.

The OPT-NC’s role is to provide   a high-quality, neutral and adaptable postal service to all in accordance with the telecommunications and Postal Services Code.


  • Changes in the Ready to Post offering: simplifying the offering to make it more appealing,
  • Changes in the PostImpact offering